Wednesday, 18 January 2017

How to grip a Hockey stick

How to grip a field hockey stick

Hello Everyone.

Recently we have had some emails in from players who have purchased our silicon-backed Crown grips, many have asked for instructions on how to best apply a new grip to their stick.
So we have produced this video which shows how we apply grips to Crown sticks.
Please take a look at the video and let me know if you have any further questions, but to give some quick advice: My top tips are:
  1. Start with a clean and dry grip-less hockey stick.
  2. Place the stick or a clean table or on your knees.
  3. Overlap each grip layer by 2mm.
  4. Remember to completely remove the backing to the adhesive tape.
  5. Pull the grip firmly to keep the wrapping tight. 
  6. Get hold of a very sharp pair of scissors to cut the end diagonal line.
  7. Find some good finishing (or electrical) tape and use a good amount, just to be on the safe side.
Good Luck,

All the best!

Evan @ Crown